Security and Fair Gaming

Fraud Prevention

Cherry Gold Casino is fully dedicated to fraud prevention. We have established a state-of-the-art security center to ensure that we are second to none in the industry. However, threats still exist, and so it is important to be aware of them.

Account Information

It is important to keep your account information and password in a safe place. Treat it like your bank account information. Cherry Gold Casino will never ask you to provide your password or banking information (credit card data, bank account, or e-wallet data).

Account Verification 

All Cherry Gold accounts are verified by means of a Fax Back Verification Form (FBVF) before any withdrawal is cleared.

When you deposit, you may need to supply suitable proof of identity such as:

  • A legible photocopy of your driver’s license or passport.
  • Photocopies of the front and back of your credit/debit card.
  • A copy of a recent utility bill or mail that contains your name and address, as registered on your player account.

Documentation is requested by our Security Department to verify that the bearer of the funding option(s) is the account holder. We understand that this may come as an inconvenience, yet this procedure exists in order to ensure a safe online environment. Through this way we also safeguard customers, ensuring that no one else other than the customer is utilizing the account, depositing and withdrawing. When forwarding documents, make sure you blackout any sensitive data. We only need to confirm personal and financial information. If you have any questions about Banking Security, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Support Center at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our Casino Hosts will be more than happy to help you!

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